Club Code of Conduct and Student/Parent
Club Code of Conduct and Student/Parent
Membership in the Middleton High School Robotics Club is a privilege that can be suspended at any
time. Violation of SDHC, school, and/or club policies can result in disciplinary action. Discipline will be
incremental up to suspension/expulsion. All money donated or raised for the club is non-refundable.
1. General
Inappropriate language toward any adult or student. Disruptive/inappropriate conduct.
i) Inappropriate attire (revealing, sexually suggestive, or reference to alcohol, drugs, or
ii) Noncompliance with curfew and bed check rules. Leaving tournament
premises or assigned hotel rooms
without permission from adult team mentor
Romantic involvement involving physical contact may not take place during club
iii) Harassment of any type (verbal or nonverbal).
iv) Vandalism of any type at school, hotels, venues or any club related location.
v) Using, possessing, selling or being under the influence of any and all illegal drugs,
controlled substances, alcoholic beverages, or tobacco products (violations of drug,
alcohol and tobacco rules will result in immediate travel home at parents' expense)
vi) Comply with requests from teachers, mentors, and coaches at any club related activity.
2. Academic
Maintain a 2.75 unweighted GPA. Additionally no "F" on most recent report card.
Students will be placed on probation for 1 marking period (no team/club activities) until
grades improve. If no improvement, student will be suspended from club until next year.
3. Finances
Must participate in club fundraising. Operating the Robotics Club takes significant funds.
The Robotics Club, however, receives NO funding from the School District or the
School. All funding for the Robotics Club comes from the hard work of the Club
Members. Although there is no minimum fundraising dollar requirement, without
significant fundraising the Club will not be able to provide the quality experience to the
students as it has in the past. Below are estimated expenses per student during the regular
season. Post season requires additional funds. The ONLY way we will be able to raise
sufficient funds is if EVERY student and parent raises funds through donations,
sponsorships, or participating in fundraising activities. The goal is for every student to
cover the student's expenses, or to raise even more if possible. Failure to actively
participate in fundraising activities (as determined by Club Adult leadership in its sole
discretion) will be a reason to prohibit a team member from actively participating in the
Club. The club will consider exceptions to this requirement on an individual basis.
4. Communications
Must have access to an email account to receive club and team emails.
Must join respective team chat discussion
Must read club calendar weekly for events and updates
Visit program specific websites and forums on a weekly basis
5. Community Service
Must register as an SDHC volunteer through the online system
Must participate in at least 2 Robotics Club approved community outreach activities
Must volunteer at a minimum of 1 robotics tournaments during the season
I agree and understand the information presented in club materials (
website) and understand the requirements of this code of conduct. I understand that I
must always act responsibility and respectfully, and that individual schoolwork comes
before work on team projects. I must maintain good academic standing to remain on the
I understand my student has chosen to be an active part of this club/team, and that while
any level of participation is encourages, he/she must meet team requirements to
participate in team travel. I also understand that I am part of those requirements and agree
to attend parent meetings and at least one team activity. I will display gracious
professionalism at all club related activities. I understand parents can be a vital part of the
team, and will support my student and the club/team in the endeavor